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Letzte Änderung: 27.06.2014 23:56


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Questions? It is likely for somebody else to have already had the same one—and to have received an answer. Please see below for a selection of frequently asked questions and answers before contacting us directly.


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Antwort auf/zuklappen What is this central news database?

The system consists of a database, an administration interface (HTML), a translation interface (HTML), and a RSS feed generator.
The system itself will not make news directly available to users. The system will only make news available to web sites that want to participate. The system does not want to compete for users, we do want to provide an infrastructure to web site admins.

Antwort auf/zuklappen Where does get its news from?

The central news system is fed with news that is submitted by the form on this site or sent to the old submission address of the VOICE News mailing list. Also, web sites that participate in this system by drawing news have to redirect all news submitted at their service to

Antwort auf/zuklappen Which sites participate in this system?

Currently, the following sites participate in sharing news via this system:

  • VOICE: Retrieves news for its VOICE News mailing list and web site. Offers the submission form. The old submission address for the mailing list is redirected to
  • OS/2 Bay Area User Group: Retrieves news in English, links to submission form at
  • Retrieves news in German and English, does not redirect submission yet.
Antwort auf/zuklappen How can I contribute to ?

Show our news on your web site

If you want to join our news system, you will be given access to retrieve news from the central database via either an RSS or Atom feed or a HTML page which can be directly included on your pages.

Please use the contact form and specify your web site. We will then provide you with a login and instructions on customizing the news for your web site.

Add the news submission form to your site

If you have a web site, you can link to our submission form or add such a form to your own pages.

Antwort auf/zuklappen Wouldn't more diversity of news sources be better?

Not any more and for the following reasons:

The eComStation and OS/2 community is small. That means we need to join forces to avoid a waste of resources and free resources for other tasks.

Over the last years, not every news has made it to every news service. This resulted in information getting lost. The reasons for loss of information are twofold:

  • Time constraints: Those reporting news don't have the time to report them several times, and those running news services don't have the time to hunt for news on at other news services. Finally, not all users feel inclined to visit all news services to stay informed.
  • Language barrier: News happen to be reported to news services that only provide them in one language. Exchange between services that serve different languages is difficult.

We simply cannot afford to lose community members because of that.

Antwort auf/zuklappen Monopolization of information is dangerous. What about censorship and conflict of interest?

This issue has been brought up several times, and distrust in this matter has been the reason why some news services have refused to join so far.

In the past, this service was run on a server of Mensys B.V ., and part of the code was written by a Mensys employee. However, the volunteers who contributed to this project would testify that Mensys B.V. did never interfere with news distribution. As a result, the systems architecture was created in a way that would allow manipulation to be easily detected. Unfortunately, that was not enough to convince everybody.

Anyway, there are several reasons why there is nothing to worry about now:

  • TYPO3 provides features for access restriction, logging, and versioning. Any meddling with news could be detected rather easily.
  • The team is a rather diverse one. Its members come from different parts of the globe, and they have different backgrounds and opinions.
  • Anyone with a clean reputation is welcome to join the news team.


Web site

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Antwort auf/zuklappen Warum wird diese Website nicht auf einem OS / 2 Server laufen?

Unser Fokus wird immer die Arbeit erledigt-mit einem Minimum an Geld und Aufwand und einem Maximum an Zuverlässigkeit und Nachhaltigkeit.

Nur wenige Anbieter bieten Hosting auf OS / 2, jedoch Rosenthal & Rosenthal, in New York, USA, tut. Diese Website wird derzeit auf einem HP Proliant Server mit eComStation gehostet.

Eine Reihe von erforderlichen Werkzeuge für TYPO3 läuft nicht immer für OS / 2 zur Verfügung. Zum Teil dank des großen Arbeitsbeginn von Michael Oehlhof und Roland Schmalenberg (, gefolgt von Gianfilippo Cimmino, Paul Smedley und Steve Levine, haben wir jetzt die notwendigen Komponenten TYPO3 unter OS / 2 laufen. Unser herzlicher Dank geht an alle von ihnen.

Kategorie: Web Site
Antwort auf/zuklappen Warum setzen Sie TYPO3 ein? Es ist übermäßig komplex, langsam, technisch veraltet...

Dafür gibt es mehrere Gründe:

  • Diese Web-Site ist ein sehr großes Projekt. Was Sie derzeit als sehen, ist nur ein Teil.
  • Wir benötigen eine ganze Reihe von Funktionen.
  • Die Administration und die verschiedenen Inhaltsbereiche und Sprachen werden von einer größeren Anzahl Personen betreut werden.
  • Für den Inhalt muß eine Art Qualitätssicherung möglich sein.
  • Das CMS muß all dies leisten und dabei den für den Inhalt Verantwortlichen eine übersichtliche Oberfläche zur Verfügung stellen.
  • Professionelles Hosting muß verfügbar sein.

Wir sind uns durchaus darüber im klaren, daß der Einstieg in TYPO3 mit einer steilen Lernkurve verbunden ist. Die Resultate rechtfertigen jedoch den Aufwand.

Kategorie: Web Site