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Letzte Änderung: 28.12.2011 21:51

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updated hexglas to v1.2.0

Donnerstag, 16. Dezember 2010  Von: TeLLie

HexGlass is a Tetris-like puzzle game based on a hexagonal grid.

Ten different types of blocks continuously fall from above and you must arrange them to make horizontal rows of hexagonal bricks. Completing any row causes those hexagonal blocks to disappear and those above move downwards. The blocks gradually fall faster and the game is over when the screen fills up and blocks can no longer fall from the top.




- The best three results for each game size are displayed

- A careful dropping mode where dropping is cancelled when the space key is released was added.

- UI/translations were added:

- Czech (cs)

- Ukrainian (uk)

Kategorie: Software