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New solutions based on eComStation?

Donnerstag, 04. November 2010  Von: Eugene Gorbunoff

eComStation is growing if new solutions are created.

It's possible to do this if you are using Open Source software.

* Web-servers: We already have

Traffic Visor to count traffic --

package: Apache, MySQL and PHP for eComStation --

* There are components for Multimedia Center

* REXX script language to create accounting solutions -- (RUS)

* There are programs for students and schoolchildren, REXX is a good choice for education too

* ..


We collect all ideas here:


eComStation community can help to the developers of solutions:

a) develop additional libraries,

b) publish reviews of the solutions




More information:

* We collected information for new site:

ATM machines based on IBM OS/2 Warp / eComStation --

You can send links to libraries, control programs, search for contacts

with other companies working on ATM solutions.


* List of companies using eComStation today / IBM OS/2 Warp in the past -

Solutions site --

You can send information about your company.

Kategorie: Allgemeines