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Suntan Special 0.62 has been released

Wednesday, 10. November 2010  Von: Neil Waldhauer

The newest release of Suntan Special, version 0.62 is available. Suntan Special is a system configuration tool that installs and maintains a collection of useful software to OS/2 or eComStation systems.

Current Suntan Special users are entitled to a free upgrade to 0.62. The upgrade may be downloaded by using the application refresh feature of Suntan Special.

The price for a Suntan Special CD or DVD is $24.95 including shipping.

Version 0.62 is a bug fix and applications refresh. Thanks to current users whose many suggestions have been incorporated in the new version of Suntan

Neil Waldhauer,

Warning: unattended children will be given a free kitten.

Kategorie: Allgemeines