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TexmakerX v1.9.9a

Sonntag, 28. November 2010  Von: TeLLie

TexMakerX is a fork of the LaTeX IDE TexMaker and gives you an environment where you can easily create and manage LaTeX documents.

It provides modern writing support, like interactive spell checking, code folding and syntax highlighting. Also it serves as a starting point from where you can easily run all necessary LaTeX tools. (you can see more features below)

You can run it on Windows, Unix/Linux, BSD and MacOSX systems and modify it if you want, since it is licensed under the GPL.

Althought TexMakerX has a lot of additional features, it tries to be like an improved version of Texmaker, so it keeps it look&feel as well as its version number.


(look also at the usermanual)

TexMakerX 1.9.9 -> TexMakerX 1.9.9a


- some performance issues on mac have been adressed. It should feel faster for long sible lines on mac.

- more than one overlay can be shown at the same time e.g. for syntax highlighting and spell checking

- command replacement in completed commands was added

- a cut buffer was added. If selected text is replaced with a command via completion, the removed text is used as argument for the inserted command (if applicable)

- tool tip in completer shows the surrounding of the label to which the selected reference is pointing

- profiles containg predefined short cuts, menu redefinition, editor settings can be imported from a file

- when waiting with text cursor on an environment name, a mirror cursor is generated which allows the renaming of the environment (\begin and \end simultaneously)

- delete word, a command or an environment by typing ALT-del

- spell checking is only done in known text commands

- some dialogs adapted to cope better with small screen sizes

- lots of bugs removed after user feedback

Kategorie: Software