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TiMidity++ 2.13.2 OS/2 port updated

Mittwoch, 08. September 2010  Von: Alex Taylor

TiMidity++ 2.13.2 for OS/2 version has been updated to preview release 2:

TiMidity++ is a music player for MIDI files and similar formats. This version is a 'standalone' player; that is, a normal application (not a MCD or codec).

This port includes a Presentation Manager GUI interface, which is based on the old TimidPM build originally written by Darwin O'Conner for TiMidity version 0.2i (I've improved and updated it a bit).

While this build seems to work well, it has not been tested very widely; also, there are more updates planned for the GUI, which is still a bit crude. Therefore, this build is classified as a "preview" (beta) release rather than a finished product.

Unlike preview release 1, this version is provided as a full WarpIN install package. It should be installable over version 2.10.4. (Note that the WPI includes the file TIMIDITY.CFG, so if you have your own configuration file in the target directory, it will be overwritten unless it's newer than March 2008.)

NOTE: As with all versions of TiMidity, you WILL need separate audio patch files (either SoundFonts or GUS patches) in order to play MIDIs properly. I recommend the EAWPatches collection, which I have also made available as a WarpIN package (on Hobbes); the TiMidity WPI will link to it automatically if it is in the same directory.
See the program release notes (available on the website) for more information.

Alex Taylor

Kategorie: Software