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Letzte Änderung: 28.12.2011 21:51

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Poll: Mobile eComStation users

Dienstag, 05. April 2011  Von: Eugene Gorbunoff

New poll on site:

Are you mobile eComStation user?

(* mobile - user with notebook).

The goal of the poll - check that support of notebooks is important.


 Look at all your eComStation computers.

Please calculate how many (%) notebooks do you have?


X% = (eCS_Notebooks * 100) / Total_eCS_computers


* 0% - no notebooks

* 1%-19% - I have a notebook, but prefer desktops/servers/barebones

* 20%-39%

* 40%-59% - half of computers are notebooks

* 60%-79% -

* 80%-99% - I am mobile

* 100% - notebooks only



(Don't forget input anti-spam 6-digits CODE: below the list of answers on the page of voting)

Kategorie: Nachrichten, Presse und Netz