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Letzte Änderung: 28.12.2011 21:51

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comp.os.os2.announce is alive

Donnerstag, 04. August 2011  Von: Mark Dodel

Anyone that uses Usenet for news reading/discussion has been aware that the moderated group comp.os.os2.announce has been essentially dead for several years. Last year the board of Usenet called for a new moderator to take over or they would eliminate the group for lack of activity. Since VOICE has an active news feed we volunteered to moderate the group. We are now sending posts to comp.os.os2.announce from the news system and hopefully soon will have posts to comp.os.os2.announce sent to the news system for moderator approval.

So if you have any OS/2 or eComStation related announcements that you would like to send to the active user community please send them to  Once the reverse feed is active you will be able to post announcements to comp.os.os2.announce and they will feed back into the news service as well. For all announcements please include your name, contact email, a brief description of the software or activity and a link for more information, as well as the news item itself.

With your support the VOICE News service will continue.

Kategorie: Allgemeines