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Letzte Änderung: 28.12.2011 21:51

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eCo Market: Week of (game) emulators

Montag, 10. Januar 2011  Von: Eugene Gorbunoff

eCo Market ( is an initiative of eCo Software: "The users need tools, they want to see the list of available applications not tales about powerful operating systems. That's why we are working on the GUI catalogue aimed to deliver software to users fast."


Total quantity of packages: 100

Let's collect emulators and virtual machines in the catalogue.

Currently we have 2 programs only: Commodore64 emulator and VirtualBox 1.6.1 (packed to warpin).


Message for developers: if you updat warpin-package of your program then follow the recommendation: Version - it's a datestamp: YYYY\MM\DD, Example: PACKAGEID="eCo Software\Runtime\Base\2008\03\02" (so we can automate control of application packages).


How to support the project?


P.S. Yes, we are working on new GUI.

Kategorie: Allgemeines