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WarpNote (version 1.93) review is up at BlueNexus!

Freitag, 01. Juli 2011  Von: Craig Miller

WarpNote (version 1.93) review is up at BlueNexus!


Tired of those yellow sticky notes that won't stick on your monitor? Here come the sticky notes that remain where you put them: On your OS/2 desktop. WarpNote gives you easy access to little yellow windows where you can note down everything you want. The program is simple and easy to use and consumes as little memory as possible. Scripting & birthday-reminders included.


WarpNotes offers you an easy way to keep all your thoughts, quick notes, web links, addresses, phone numbers, and other information in one place. Whether you need to create a to-do list, plan daily tasks or organize recipes, WarpNotes finally provides you with everything you need for a fully featured, native eCS application.


I found WarpNotes for OS/2 1.93 but it was all but abandoned. It took me sometime to find the author (thanks to some readers) but in a few days, was able to talk to Uwe Mock. Uwe is very nice to allow WarpNote to be freeware after we talked. Donating such a productive program allows everyone to win.


This review goes into why I wanted WarpNote not to die a cold death of neglect.

Kategorie: Nachrichten, Presse und Netz