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Letzte Änderung: 28.12.2011 21:51

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SeaMonkey 2.1 release candidate 2 available for OS/2

Friday, 10. June 2011  Von: Walter Meinl

I've uploaded the second release candidate for the upcoming SeaMonkey 2.1. There were no OS/2 specific changes compared to the recently published release candidate 1. However, it should contain a few cross-platform fixes for bugs present in the first one.

You can get it from here:

BTW ( from )
"Version Number 'pre'
It was pointed out after our mirror push that the version 2.1rc2
reports as is 2.1pre not 2.1, this was due to a faulty cset for c-c on
our build2. We'll respin direct to a 2.1 final."
Meaning that's not an OS/2 fault that SeaMonkey reports itself as

Have fun, Walter

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Kategorie: Software