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Letzte Änderung: 28.12.2011 21:51

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FreeType/2 version 1.3.2 released

Mittwoch, 30. M„rz 2011  Von: Alex Taylor

FreeType/2 is a high-quality font driver (IFI) for supporting TrueType fonts in OS/2 Presentation Manager. It is a replacement for OS/2's built-in TRUETYPE.DLL, and is based on the open source FreeType library. With FreeType/2, all programs which rely on Presentation Manager for rendering text will benefit from the improved font support.

Note: FreeType/2 is a system font driver, and not should not be confused with the FreeType library (which is used by certain software like Mozilla or QT).

Version 1.3.2 contains improvements in two areas. First, several previously-missing flags in the GPI FONTMETRICS structure are now set correctly (this is mainly of interest to developers). Also, a number of fixes have been made to Asian glyphlist processing, such that reliability on DBCS systems (particularly Japanese) should be significantly improved.

 Alex Taylor <> (Remove the DESPAM to reply)

Kategorie: Software