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The review for Vigilance on Talos V for OS/2 is up

Sonntag, 15. Mai 2011  Von: Craig Miller

Vigilance on Talos V for OS/2 is a game not unlike the old Metroid series. This side scrolling game was ported over by PolyEx Software and uses the WordUp Graphics Toolkit.

The game is all about finding, and destroy the evil Drektor. He is the leader of the Xeno's. He is a tough, and worthy opponent. His brain hides in different forms, so he'll be hard to find. You'll know him, when you see him though.

 The review for Vigilance on Talos V for OS/2 is up, is it crap or worth the download? Read the review and download the full version (OS/2 and DOS Versions) for yourself!

Kategorie: Nachrichten, Presse und Netz