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OS/2 Book at Hobbes

Montag, 02. April 2012  Von: Sergey Posokhov

OS/2 API Research book, written in Russian (cyrillic), is now available from Hobbes:

 This is the complete reference and tutorial for Control Program and Presentation Manager programming. Alongside with CP/PM API calls, this book describes modern API calls (eToolkit, LANGE, libKVA) and low-level DDK Helper functions. Based on that, it shows possible roadmap of OS/2 development towards functional programming and mikrokernel architecture.

 What's new in the book: DevTools and Rexx chapters has been completely re-written, lots of minor changes in the book... all after reading SICP - a book about Lisp programming language.

Kategorie: Nachrichten, Presse und Netz