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Odin 0.8.3

Donnerstag, 09. Februar 2012  Von: Mark Dodel

There is a new version of ODIN on the Netlabs FTP server.
ODIN is the Open Source project to provide a win32 API for OS/2 and eComStation. Originally to allow OS/2 users to run Windows 32 bit applications. Now used to port windows applications to OS/2 an eComStation. The Odin runtime is a requirement for the newest developed versions of JAVA and Flash 10 for OS/2 and eCS.

For more information and downloads, see:


0.8.3 (2012-02-07)
- Add bldlevel info to all Odin DLLs and EXEs.
- Fix "Memory allocation failure" error when loading some Win32 EXEs with
- user32: Implement GetComboBoxInfo() needed for some apps.
- Fix crashes in CreateIconIndirect()/CreateIconFromResource()/LoadImage()
(seen in e.g. WinRAR).
- wgss: Fix broken GetFullPathName() that could lead to strange behavior.
- Add a bunch of API stubs referenced by the debug version of Flash DLL.
- shell32: Implement SHGetDiskFreeSpace[Ex]().
- user32: Make sure GetQueueStatus?() correctly reports QS_KEY state (this
fixes playback in focused windows in Flash versions above 10.0.45).
- kernel32: Implement SwitchToThread().
- Brush up log files in Odin debug builds (human readable timestamps,
output serialization, etc.).
- user32: Support MIIM_FTYPE/MIIM_STRING flags properly in InsertMenuItem()
and SetMenuItemInfo() (this e.g. fixes context menus in Flash > 10.0.45).
- Show Odin version number in the About Odin dialog.

Please report problems on the wiki at
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Kategorie: Software