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Letzte Änderung: 28.12.2011 21:51

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Discounts to eComStation applications

Sonntag, 04. November 2012  Von: Eugene Gorbunoff

eCo Software goes reward the users, here is the offering:


=== Useful applications ===


Read the list, do you need this applications?

List of eCo Software apps --



=== Sum up ===


(During november and december 2012) eCo Software

offers (to every OS/2 user) summarize,

how many eCoSoft programs did you purchased (and goes to buy) since 2001 .. till the end of 2012.


For home user:

* If you purchased (or going buy) N our apps (3 .. 5 different),

then you get to your eCo Market account N*1 euro


* If you purchased (going) (6.. 15), then N*1.5 USD


* Example: You purchased 7 apps (disk utilities, multimedia, ..),

then you get 10.5 USD to your virtual account.



For companies:

* if you purchased (going buy) N (1..5) licenses of application X, then you get N*1 USD


* if you purchased (going) N (6.. 50), then you get N*1.5 USD


* Example: you buy 15 licenses for PMMaps, then you get rebate and can buy PMDownloader.




=== Invest ===


What to do with the money accumulated at eCo Market account?


You can buy new program from eCo Software (

or any other shareware

product for eComStation, or prolong subscription to eComStation

(standard european price; usually it's necessary pay the remainder)


As result, you minimize your expenses, give impulse to the developer

of native applications for eComStation.



=== Don't delay! ===


Don't delay the calculation and ordering of new apps.

Summarize during november (all people are busy during the december).


We are not going repeat the action in the next year!



=== Obligations ===


We remember that we should update our apps and serve the queue of the customers.

We expect that the investments from users give us new impulse.



=== Contacts ===


Send messages via web-form --

* if you have purchased many apps and summarizing the quantity

* to order new apps

Kategorie: Allgemeines