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Letzte Änderung: 28.12.2011 21:51

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Warpstock Europe 2013 -- exhibitors

Sonntag, 18. November 2012

A) In the past, many famous companies were participating in Warpstock Europe
(Epson, Norman, Sun, IBM, Lexmark, ..)

What companies to invite this time? * Software developer: ..
* Peripherals: ..
* Laptops: ..
* Books: ..

Share your minds, what company to contact? What are the arguments to join the event?

Does your (small/medium, not international corporation) company want participate? What the participation means? Show large banner with company logo + guard? no..
Stand + table + 10 chairs + mini presentation (10 minutes) x repeat 5 times per day.

B) Good video (slow, with notes) about Haarlem in may:
Amsterdam and Haarlem: Two Great Dutch Cities
(Haarlem at minute 9:00)


C) Reforms: * WSE-REFORM-201211-03: How to hold the visitors? Many visitors go away after the launch in the second part of day (because are tired, because don't know about coming presentations).
Large, most popular, official presentation should start at ~ 16:00, not in the morning.

* WSE-REFORM-201211-04: 1) There should be a room where the users can talk with
the developers of software. The list of developers should be published in advance.
There should be 3-5 chairs around every table.

Kategorie: Allgemeines