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Instructions to watch the Warpstock live stream

Donnerstag, 22. Oktober 2015  Von: Martin Iturbide

The Warpstock 2015 conference will be offered via streaming video. If you enjoy the conference in this way, please feel free to send us a donation to help cover the costs of presenting Warpstock.



We will be using YouTube Live as our streaming server. Go to the WarpEvents page at YouTube.


Once there, locate the WarpStock 2015 Live Stream URL.


Users with OS/2 or eComStation can watch the stream in two ways.


Option 1: Firefox with Flash pointing to the WarpEvents site:

Option 2: Grab the Youtube URL and put it on VLC to view the Live Stream.




To ask questions as we go, use IRC. The URL for the #netlabs channel is



Social Networks


There will be up to date information on OS/2 World and the following social networks


Google+: WarpEvent:


Facebook: WarpEvents:


Twitter: OS2World:

Kategorie: Veranstaltungen - international, Allgemeines