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[ Feedback] The eCSoft/2 weekly newsletter for OS2Voice

Montag September 27, 2021  By:eCSoft/2

-------- THE ECSOFT/2 WEEKLY NEWSLETTER FOR OS2VOICE ------------------------- Find in this digest all the records created or updated in the last week on the eCSoft/2 site If you find something wrong and...

Category: Software

WebServe version 2.2 released

Sonntag September 26, 2021  By:Peter Moylan

The WebServe web server (freeware, open source) has been updated to version 2.2. You can get it from any of the following...

Category: Software

[Arca Noae] Subscription reminder notifications delayed

Donnerstag September 23, 2021  By:Arca Noae

Arca Noae has posted a new item, 'Subscription reminder notifications delayed' We recently became aware of an issue with our email reminders for subscription renewals which left a number of reminder messages unsent. These...

Category: General

[ Feedback] The eCSoft/2 weekly newsletter for OS2Voice

Montag September 20, 2021  By:eCSoft/2

-------- THE ECSOFT/2 WEEKLY NEWSLETTER FOR OS2VOICE ------------------------- Find in this digest all the records created or updated in the last week on the eCSoft/2 site If you find something wrong and...

Category: Software

[Arca Noae] Tune in to Warpstock 2021 Online

Freitag September 17, 2021  By:Arca Noae

Arca Noae has posted a new item, 'Tune in to Warpstock 2021 Online' Warpstock 2021 will happen online at 12:00pm EDT (16:00 UTC) this  Saturday, September 18. Sessions will be a mix of live and prerecorded presentations,...

Category: Events - international

Call for people who are interested to join the OS/2 VOICE board

Mittwoch September 15, 2021  By:Roderick Klein

As president of OS/2 VOICE had noted on my calender to send out a message to the OS/2 community asking if people wanted to join the OS/2 VOICE board. The following two positions are currently open: 1. Vice President of OS/2...

Category: General

Warpstock 2021 attendance info

Sonntag September 12, 2021  By:Andy Willis

This year's WarpStock event will be held Saturday, September 18, 2021. From 9 AM to 2 PM PDT (12 PM to 5 PM EDT | 4PM to 9PM GMT45-50-minute slots, with sessions scheduled on the hour.Registration will not be required for this...

Category: General
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