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bootAble v6.4 released: ACPI support

Thursday September 24, 2009  By: Hayo Baan

Hello all,

Thanks to Doug Bissett's input I have been able to add ACPI support (this of course requires an ACPI enabled version of eCS) to bootAble. At the moment ACPI doesn't seem to work for bootAble CD's, only for maintenance partitions. It may however work for your system, so please report back our experience.

As always, you can find the latest version on my website:

Here are the full release notes:

*v6.4 (23/09/2009)*

* Added ACPI support (ACPI, thank you Doug Bissett for providing the
required input and beta testing);
Note: ACPI support on a bootAble CD does not seem to work, at
least on some systems, due to blocking-out INT13 support. If you
find it works for you, or know a work-around for this, please let
me know.
* Now also adding snoop.lst when including testcfg.sys;
* When building a SNAP WPS-enabled system, the line "SET
DISPLAYTYPE=..." would get added twice to the config.sys;
* Updated documentation to use inline stylesheet. Documentation now
also conforms to XHTML 1.0 Strict rules.

Note: if you do not want to receive any more mails regarding updates to bootAble, please let me know and I will remove you from the list.


Hayo Baan �

Category: Software