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Is there interest in a port of (Re-)Alpine for OS/2

Monday July 26, 2010  By: Nicholas Sheppard

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Hi all.

For some years, I've been maintaining an OS/2 port of the Pine mail system developed at the University of Washington, more recently known as Alpine. The University of Washington itself no longer maintains Alpine, though some other folks have taken up the code under the name "Re-alpine" ( ).

I haven't done anything with Alpine since the University of Washington released its last version, so I'm wondering if

  (a) anyone is actually using Alpine for OS/2 any more;
  (b) anyone is interested in a Re-alpine for OS/2; and
  (c) if anyone else is interested in taking over the port?

The existing OS/2 port supports the mail client, the POP and IMAP servers, the Pico text editor, and a few utility functions. Web Alpine does not work and may never work (I can compile it but I think it needs major modification to work under OS/2, if it can be made to work at all.) See for more information.

Let me know if you have any answers for the questions above.

     Nick S.

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