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Last update: 12/28/2011 21:51


Search & Find

advanced search


Ste v0.4.0

maandag mei 31, 2010  By: TeLLie

S.T.E. is easy-to-use and feature-rich plain text editor, which is available for different platforms (Windows, Linux, OS/2).

Changelog for v0.4.0


* added Number Conversion feature (by Ctrl+Shift+N)

* added quick commenting feature (by Ctrl+/)

* added tag completion feature for XML and DSL style tags (by Ctrl+Enter)

* added selection wrap feature (also by Ctrl+Enter)

* added symbols table (unicode, hex, html)

* added joining lines with any separator (by Ctrl+J)

* added trimming of spaces between words

* added syntax highlighting for Ada, Lisp, Haskell

* added APIs for Ada and Lisp

* added content preview for XDXF dictionary format


* improved File Explorer (speed, navigation, usability)

* faster startup

* some GUI optimizations (more compact toolbars etc.)


* fixed issue with extra symbols in search results window

* fixed key code propagation issue

* fixed issue with showing images for HTML preview

* fixed issue with wrong restoring of the Search Bar\'s height

* fixed issue with Paste after closing several tabs

* fixed issue with moving current line up and down

Category: Software