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Lucide 1.3.3GA and 1.3.4 Beta on Netlabs

Wednesday May 04, 2011  By: Mark Dodel

There is a zip and a WarpIn package of Lucide 1.3.3 GA on the Netlabs FTP site. Also there is a beta of Lucide 1.3.4 for OS/2 and eComStation has been released. Lucide is a plugin based document viewer that supports PDF, DejaVu and JPEG files out of the box but new document types can easily be added to it. There are instructions for writing plugins on the web site. The source code for Lucide is also available there.

Changes for 1.3.3:
- added backwards search (ticket #190)
- fixed goto page handling (ticket #198)
- some other small fixes
- WPI: made http links clickable
- updated poppler to 0.16.3
- updated freetype to 2.4.4
- updated jpeg to 8b
- WPI: installing the right readme, if translated
- saved some settings from print dialog (ticket #225)
- added a font hack to show japanese fonts (ticket #226)

Changes for 1.3.4 Beta:
This fixes an annoying flicker

Lucide requires the following:
- libc 0.6.3:
- (zip format)
or (WarpIn format)
- gcc442.dll:
- (zip format)
or (WarpIn format)

For more information and downloads, see:

Category: Software