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Last update: 12/28/2011 21:51


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Fixed: VOICE News mailing list and feed to c.o.o.announce

Sunday July 06, 2014  By: Lewis G Rosenthal

I have finally fixed the VOICE news mailing list feed and the push to the c.o.o.announce newsgroup. News items which have been approved should be relayed to both at fifteen minute intervals.

If you are reading this on the VOICE homepage or from an RSS feed reader and you used to be subscribed to the VOICE news mailing list, it is possible that your address changed and we do not have your current one. Please feel free to subscribe again, by completing the form on the following page:

Thanks to all for your patience and support, and we look forward to sharing some good and interesting news with everyone again in the near future.


-- Lewis
Lewis G Rosenthal, CNA, CLP, CLE, CWTS
Systems Administration, VOICE
Virtual OS/2 Consumer Education

Category: News, Press, and Net