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Mission Statement

news.Warpevents.eu is a news service for news related to the OS/2 and eComStation operating systems. It is dedicated to ensuring that up-to-date and correct news are distributed quickly and as far as possible in the international OS/2 and eComStation community.

To achieve this goal, this web site acts as a pool and central source of news for other web sites, and a central submission point for everybody who has news to announce.

The Idea

The idea of a central news agency is easy to explain.

Many had trouble to get "all" news about eComStation and OS/2 applications and technologies. Not every news item was reported to every news service, the maintainers of said services did not have the time to search other services for missing news, and users do not read each and every service's web site because they don't have the time or simply do not understand the language.

This resulted in loss of information. The example that sparked the idea for this project was that Yuri Dario ported PilotLink with USB support to OS/2 at some point. This basically meant that you could sync your Palm under OS/2 over a USB connection, which was impossible before. But where was this news distributed? This news item was only seen on os2.cz.

Thus, a system is required that makes sure that all users who want access to news can do so on a web site that they frequently visit.

The System

  • The system consists of a database, an administration interface, a translation interface, and a feed generator. It is powered by the TYPO3 Open Source CMS.
  • RSS2 and Atom feeds can be used by other web sites to import news into their sites.
  • These feeds can be customized according to the web sites' demands. For instance, the content can be plain text or formatted as XHTML, and the number of items and the sort order can be adjusted as well.
  • The system itself will not make news directly available to users, although one RSS feed is published with some delay as an example.
  • The system will only make news available to web sites that want to participate.
  • The system does not want to compete for users, it is intended to provide an infrastructure to web site admins.

The Current Status

The central news system is fed by its own submission form and the old submission address of the VOICE News mailing list. News is retrieved by VOICE, the OS/2 Bay Area User Group and OS2.orghttp://www.ecomstation.com/.

The People Behind

This web site is hosted by warpevents.eu which also provides the technical maintenance. The actual news team consists of several volunteers, who are mostly members of VOICE and OS/2 World.com.

The Web Site Design

This design is based on Gila which is a template found on Open Source Web Design. The TYPO3 template was created by Christian Hennecke.