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[OS2Voice.org Feedback] The eCSoft/2 weekly newsletter for OS2Voice

le lundi, 28 mars 2022  Auteur :eCSoft/2

-------- THE ECSOFT/2 WEEKLY NEWSLETTER FOR OS2VOICE ------------------------- Find in this digest all the records created or updated in the last week on the eCSoft/2 site https://ecsoft2.org. If you find something wrong and...

Catégorie : Software

python3.9, yum, libusb1, libuvc, libc

le mercredi, 23 mars 2022  Auteur :Silvan Scherrer

*python3.9, yum, libusb1, libuvc, libc*/ /*Rpm work:*We released version 3.9.5-8 of python3.9 (Version 3.9 of the Python interpreter), version 3.4.3-14 of yum (RPM installer/updatern), version 1.0.24-3 of libusb1 (Library for...

Catégorie : Software

[OS2Voice.org Feedback] The eCSoft/2 weekly newsletter for OS2Voice

le lundi, 21 mars 2022  Auteur :eCSoft/2

-------- THE ECSOFT/2 WEEKLY NEWSLETTER FOR OS2VOICE ------------------------- Find in this digest all the records created or updated in the last week on the eCSoft/2 site https://ecsoft2.org. If you find something wrong and...

Catégorie : Software

[OS2Voice.org Feedback] The eCSoft/2 weekly newsletter for OS2Voice

le lundi, 14 mars 2022  Auteur :eCSoft/2

-------- THE ECSOFT/2 WEEKLY NEWSLETTER FOR OS2VOICE ------------------------- Find in this digest all the records created or updated in the last week on the eCSoft/2 site https://ecsoft2.org. If you find something wrong and...

Catégorie : Software

Reason why Otter browser was not released in the expected time frame...

le vendredi, 11 mars 2022  Auteur :Roderick Klein

Duo to reasons beyond anybody his control, Dmitriy Kuminov from Bitwise Works has not been able to work on the Otter Browser over the last 2 weeks. So this Otter Browser preview can not be released. We are however working on...

Catégorie : Général

WebServe version 2.4 available

le samedi, 05 mars 2022  Auteur :Peter Moylan

WebServe version 2.4 (a lightweight web server) is now available for download from ftp://ftp.pmoylan.org/WebServe/webserve_2.4.zipor www.pmoylan.org/pages/os2/webserve.htmlor Hobbes incoming. This fixes an elusive bug that...

Catégorie : Général