Warpstock Corporation (American continent): Digest for September 03, 2022
02 September 2022 02:41 PM UTC+02 Tried to make the deadline for the early-bird discounts for Warpstock registration but just couldn't? There's still time for a decent break on the normal full conference registration rate of...
[ Feedback] The eCSoft/2 weekly newsletter for OS2Voice
-------- THE ECSOFT/2 WEEKLY NEWSLETTER FOR OS2VOICE ------------------------- Find in this digest all the records created or updated in the last week on the eCSoft/2 site If you find something wrong and...
Warpstock Corporation (American continent): Digest for August 26, 2022
25 August 2022 02:18 AM UTC+02 If you would like to come early and/or stay after the Warpstock event (who wouldn't? it's Florida in November!), please book your reservation with the hotel directly at 1-407-856-8896. When...
[ Feedback] The eCSoft/2 weekly newsletter for OS2Voice
-------- THE ECSOFT/2 WEEKLY NEWSLETTER FOR OS2VOICE ------------------------- Find in this digest all the records created or updated in the last week on the eCSoft/2 site If you find something wrong and...
[ Feedback] The eCSoft/2 weekly newsletter for OS2Voice
-------- THE ECSOFT/2 WEEKLY NEWSLETTER FOR OS2VOICE ------------------------- Find in this digest all the records created or updated in the last week on the eCSoft/2 site If you find something wrong and...
[ Feedback] The eCSoft/2 weekly newsletter for OS2Voice
-------- THE ECSOFT/2 WEEKLY NEWSLETTER FOR OS2VOICE ------------------------- Find in this digest all the records created or updated in the last week on the eCSoft/2 site If you find something wrong and...
Early Bird registration discount, hotel room block dates extended for Warpstock 2022!
Good news! The Early Bird registration discount for Warpstock 2022 has been extended through midnight EDT, August 31. This is a $30 discount off of the full conference and $20 off of a daily conference registration. In addition,...