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WARNING: Avoid IMZ image indexing upto DFSee 14.3

le jeudi, 30 mars 2017  Auteur : Jan van Wijk


When creating compressed images (IMZ) using the DOS version of DFSee
(bootable CD/USB-stick) with DFSee versions BEFORE 14.4, make sure
you UNCHECK the option in the dialog to create an index for it:

[ ] Generate INDEX file for DFSee compressed images too (faster BROWSING)

Failing to uncheck this option, that is ON by default, will result in an imagefile
that is ZERO-bytes in size, and unusable for a restore!

The same bug (IMZ truncation) will occur if you are trying the browse an existing IMZ imagefile with these versions, this will destroy the image to be browsed!

To be completely safe, upgrade to the latest version (currently 14.4).

Regards, JvW

DFSee Home: www.dfsee.com; Jan van Wijk; Author of DFSee - info@dfsee.com

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