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Reason why Otter browser was not released in the expected time frame...

le vendredi, 11 mars 2022  Auteur : Roderick Klein

Duo to reasons beyond anybody his control, Dmitriy Kuminov from Bitwise Works has not been able to work on the Otter Browser over the last 2 weeks. So this Otter Browser preview can not be released.

We are however working on providing an alternative, caled the Dooble browser. It uses the same QT webkit browser engine as the Otter Browser.

We hope that within 1 to 2 weeks we can release an RPM file via on rpm.netlabs.org that will enable you to install and use the Otter Browser. Installation can be done via the YUM command line or with ANPM (Arca Noae Package Manager). This browser will not be time limited in its functionality.

The development of this RPM package is being done by small team of volenteers right now.

Best regards,

Roderick Klein
President OS/2 VOICE

Catégorie : Général