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Warpstock Europe 2021 virtual event...

zondag, 23. mei 2021  Door: Roderick Klein

Hello everybody,

A couple of weeks I asked how many people would consider coming to Warpstock Europe in September 2021 organized in Frankfurt Germany. To few people responded duo to the ongoing uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic.

A virtual event wil organized on Saturday the 5th of June.
It will start at 16:00 hours Amsterdam/Berlin time. This so people from the United States can also view the presentations.

Note that currently the event is NOT yet listed on www.warptock.eu. This will be done in the coming week with an overview of the presentations and when they will be streamed.
You can follow the video stream via youtube.com. The link will be
posted to www.warpstock.eu later this week.

Some of the confirmed presentations are:

* A demonstration by Alex Taylor showing the progress with UEFI that has been achievied in ArcaOS and the newly implemented GPT disc layout support.

* Lewis Rosenthal from Arca Noae LLC will give a presentation with the

* A demonstration of an ArcaMapper replacement. ArcaMapper is a tool in ArcaOS with which you connect to netwerk shares on another computer.

Best regards,

Roderick Klein

Categorie: Algemeen