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netlabs.org newsletter #457

lundi, 24. juillet 2023  Door: netlabs.org News

This is the latest edition of the bi-weekly netlabs.org <www.netlabs.org/> newsletter. The newsletter can be read on the web at the following URL:
wiki.netlabs.org/index.php <wiki.netlabs.org/index.php/Netlabs_bi_weekly_newsletter4>

News from netlabs.org <www.netlabs.org/>:
17. July - 23. July
• Paul Smedley Ports v6.x Development
• Some testing and some updates to bring it to v6.5.2
• See: https://www.os2world.com/forum/index.php/topic,3182.735.html#lastPost
• DataSeeker
• Ticket closed as not reproducible
• See: trac.netlabs.org/dataseeker/timeline <trac.netlabs.org/dataseeker/timeline>

10. July - 16. July
• Paul Smedley Ports Qt v6 Development
• Minor updates
• See: https://www.os2world.com/forum/index.php/topic,3182.735.html#lastPost
• Paul Smedley Ports Qt v6 Application Testing
• A few updates
• See: https://www.os2world.com/forum/index.php/topic,3252.435.html <https://www.os2world.com/forum/index.php/topic,3252.435.html>

Netlabs.org <netlabs.org/> depends upon your support to maintain and help test new releases of OS/2 software. Some projects require considerable work; therefore, some developers are paid to work on them. You may show your support for these projects by purchasing SPONSOR units via:
bww bitwise Works GmbH <www.bitwiseworks.com/shop/index.php> on Twitter @bitwiseworks
Arca Noae <arcanoae.com/product-category/support-sponsoring/> on Twitter @arcanoaellc

Thanks for your support!

We can be reached at: news@netlabs.org <news(at)netlabs.org> or Twitter at: twitter.com <twitter.com>

netlabs.org <www.netlabs.org/> team

Categorie: Algemeen